First, let’s cut to the chase. A passport bro is a man who feels that dating in the West is too one-sided; a man who cringes when he hears maxims like ‘happy wife happy life’; a man who’s tired of the relationship advice always being centered on how one can make his wife happy and that men are always the problem in a relationship. Therefore he’s decided to look for greener pastures to promenade his plumage.
Secondly, a passport bro (ppb) is not a sex tourist. There’s a huge difference. While sex is a part of dating the sole purpose of a sex tourist is to take advantage of impoverished women to spread his seed. Passport bros are men who have decided to look abroad for a wife with traditional values.
To put it simply: a sex tourist is only interested in sex; a passport bro wants a wife. Two very different things!
Here’s why I became a passport bro
I’ll never forget I was a teenager watching Oprah with my mom one day in the early 2000s on the show there was a couple who was going through a rough patch in their marriage. The long and short of it was she was a stay-at-home mom but wouldn’t cook and clean because she was ‘tired’ from taking care of their newborn.
The husband was frustrated coming home from a long day of work to a sink full of dirty dishes and eating TV dinners with the woman sitting on the couch watching TV. The advice I heard Dr Phil give him shocked me; basically he berated the husband for not helping around the house and the whole studio came for him. I just remember how bad I felt for that guy.
Western Relationship Advice is so One-Sided
It wasn’t just that, as I got older and dating I noticed almost all relationship advice I’d see in the media was one-sided in favor of women. I remember reading on Reddit where a woman complained her boyfriend had a small penis and was bad in bed. She was lauded for speaking up. However, when a man complained making love to his girlfriend was like sleeping with a fish out of water he was attacked for being a sex-crazed pig. Here’s a good summation of Western relationship advice:
If a wife complains about her husband, the husband needs to change
If a husband complains about his wife, he needs to ‘man up’.
If a woman cheats on her man it’s because he didn’t give her what she needed.
If a man cheats on his woman it’s because he’s a pig who lacks self-control
Even so-called Christian commentators aren’t much better. I watch Dave Ramsey and John Delony and they say that being head of the household means being a servant which isn’t biblical at all. I do agree in being a servant leader but telling a man he’s ultimately responsible for how his house is run but he can’t tell his wife what to do is just stupid.
I guarantee Dave Ramsey doesn’t run his company that way. In my job I report to the vice president of my company. She’s great, she listens, she takes my recommendations seriously, and 90%-95% of the time she does go with my recommendations. That being said when she does go against me I have to do what she says regardless of my personal feelings.
Sycophantic Male Feminism
I think the thing that turned me off even worse than feminism is the male feminists who have bought into the idea that men are inherently the problem in society. If women criticize men she’s justified, if men criticize women he’s a misogynist.
I understand the desire to suck up to women, I really do but you’re not doing yourself a favor. 70% of divorces are initiated by women so even if you do everything she says she’ll consider you a wuss and leave you for a stronger man or one that makes more money.
Men are not the problem in most divorces
Feminists always insist that men are the problem in most relationships. Phrases such as ‘toxic masculinity’ are thrown out constantly. They say that women are required to ‘give themselves’ to their marriages which is why women suffer, can’t take it anymore, and then file for divorce. This has caused many men to become disenchanted with women in the West and seek partners in places like the Philippines.
So then my question is if men are the problem then why are Lesbian marriages more than twice as likely to fail as heterosexual ones? No lazy slob man demanding sex at inconvenient times, there’s no toxic masculinity in the house at all. Women love to commit – usually too quickly.
There’s even a joke in the lesbian community ‘The first date you bring flowers, the second you bring a U-Haul’. Lesbian marriages fare even worse than gay marriages (which ironically have a lower failure rate than hetero ones). Another shocking statistic is that Lesbian relationships are more likely to have violence than male/female relationships source
70% of all divorces are initiated by women who blame their ex-husbands. Yet even when men are out of the picture the failure rates actually get worse, not better. Maybe it’s time Western feminists stopped blaming men for all their problems. I find it truly ironic that dual-male marriages are more successful than male/female ones. Maybe it’s not men who are the problem after all…
Men in the U.S. are in trouble. Many feel that their futures are uncertain and their identities are threatened. This situation is especially acute now, but this anxiety has always been built into boyhood and manhood. Told to “man up” or “be a real man,” boys and men who inevitably cannot meet the impossible overlapping standards of toughness, self-sufficiency, dominance, or stoicism have their very identity withheld from them.
I Finally Found a Teammate in the Philippines
In the US it’s so hard, I have friends who have two jobs there and still can’t make ends meet. Plus having an unsupportive partner is the worst thing that can happen to a man. Here in the Philippines I work online doing a job I absolutely love and that has afforded me a house, a car, and a loving wife who stands by my side.
My friends’ marriages back home seem to be centered around ingratiating themselves with their wives. The phrase ‘happy wife, happy life’ makes me cringe so much.
The people who say being a passport bro is about having a servile wife just don’t know what they’re talking about. First of all my wife absolutely does push back when I’m wrong and I’ve learned to listen to her because 95% of the time when she pushes back she’s right. The difference is she doesn’t berate me whenever I make a mistake. I work hard to bring home the bacon and she cooks it. Who’s losing in that arrangement? I installed some shelves in the bathroom the other day (mostly for her products btw) and she brought me a lemonade and wiped the sweat off my brow.
In my house the maxim is: Happy spouse happy house.
What I’m trying to say is for the first time in my life I truly feel like I have a partner that sees me as a teammate. We support each other. I’m not saying the Philippines is for everyone but it sure was the right decision for me and I think for a lot of traditional men as well.

I write this with sincerity and encouragement to the guy who sits in his driveway for 30 minutes when he gets home from work because he’s afraid to go inside and have his woman yell at him. There is a better option out there.
Best regards
I TOTALLY AGREE!! Being new to the entire world culture and dating outside of the USA. Yet, I know what I like and bring to a marriage. Love being express. Not just words. Giving an emotional connection that gives life meaning to each other.
Thank you Cam, for sharing truth…
Unless you’re constantly around and working to become a wise and Godly man, you will probably fall into the trap of the “ feminist movement.” The Attack On Men!